Magazine-style news podcast that introduces you to the most fascinating people in Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania. Hear their authentic stories, straight from every month’s issue of TheBurg—with a different twist—on TheBurg Podcast. Because there’s always “more to the story.” Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine devoted to PA news, business, art, culture, music, food, health, sports and more; Lawrance Binda, editor.

Overwhelmed by pandemic news? This month’s podcast provides the antidote—we talk around “it” without focusing on “it.”


Behind the lens: Harrisburg-based photographer Dani Fresh shares her insights, from her photo essay of street scenes, “Silent City.”


Missing sports? Culture? Alice Anne Schwab of the Susquehanna Art Museum goes to bat for you, explaining how you can still catch the museum’s current exhibit “Separate and Unequaled” detailed in “Diamonds are Forever: SAM exhibit honors Negro Leagues centennial.”


Cat chat: Writer Diane McCormick expands upon her story “Pets & Pandemic” to share timely information for animal lovers.


And running along the Susquehanna River sparked the idea for editor Lawrance Binda’s monthly TMHT, “the most Harrisburg thing.”


Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, straight from every month’s issue—with a different twist—on TheBurg Podcast. Because there’s always “more to the story.” Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren (


Karen Hendricks is a lifelong journalist; visit her website here:


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Direct download: TheBurgPodcastMay2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:44pm EDT