Magazine-style news podcast that introduces you to the most fascinating people in Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania. Hear their authentic stories, straight from every month’s issue of TheBurg—with a different twist—on TheBurg Podcast. Because there’s always “more to the story.” Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine devoted to PA news, business, art, culture, music, food, health, sports and more; Lawrance Binda, editor.

How would you define a “hero?”

Two of our guests focus on heroes in our midst—those who are in active recovery from substance use.

Meet Dan Albert, founder of Hero in the Fight, a Central PA-based organization dedicated to breaking the stigma associated with addiction, and supporting the active recovery community. He’s very open about his substance use in our magazine story—and he explains why, on the podcast.

What can we, as a society, do to support those in active recovery? What language should we use? And what causes surges in substance use such as the opioid epidemic? Weston Kensinger, Director of the Douglas W. Pollock Center for Addiction Outreach and Research at Penn State Harrisburg, answers those questions and more for a fascinating deep dive into the subject.

Have you seen TheBurg’s March 2022 cover art? Meet Pamela Black, the artist who created this month’s beautiful, bright artwork.

Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, goes uptown for this month’s “The Most Harrisburg Thing.”

And host Karen Hendricks wraps up this banner episode—TheBurg Podcast’s 2nd birthday in our news magazine-style format—with a fun behind-the-scenes montage of bloopers and fun moments.

Every month, we expand stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

A Straight Fight | TheBurg, March 2022, including Pamela Black’s cover art

DYK? TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.

TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 

TheBurg Podcast is a great Central PA vehicle for sponsors and/or advertisers: Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


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