Magazine-style news podcast that introduces you to the most fascinating people in Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania. Hear their authentic stories, straight from every month’s issue of TheBurg—with a different twist—on TheBurg Podcast. Because there’s always “more to the story.” Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine devoted to PA news, business, art, culture, music, food, health, sports and more; Lawrance Binda, editor.

Resilience is a muscle many of us flexed, or became aware of, amid the pandemic. And it’s very much still in our vocabulary!


·         How do we build resilience against health issues and disease, especially among Latinos?

·         And, in a region where many of us see the Susquehanna River and its creeks and streams every day, how do we build resilience against climate change and Pennsylvania’s number one threat, flooding?


Our guests include:

  • George Fernandez, CEO, Culture & Culture
  • Jeff Jumper, Emergency Management Program Manager for Resiliency, with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
  • Andrew Dehoff, Executive Director, Susquehanna River Basin Commission


This podcast is sponsored by Fleet Feet Mechanicsburg and their brand-new Fleet Feet Harrisburg location, in the High Pointe Commons shopping plaza.


This episode marks a banner anniversary! It’s been three years since we launched TheBurg Podcast in this magazine-style format. Thanks for listening, sharing and helping the podcast grow!


Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

Reaching Up, Reaching Back: George Fernandez | A Change in the Weather: Pennsylvania’s emergency management and environmental experts explain climate change | Capital Region Water: Clean Water Plan



April 6 event info: Karen Hendricks hosts Midtown Scholar author chat


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website and subscribe to her free monthly writer’s newsletter at


Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, publisher/editor.


TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, 2021.

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_March_2023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:55pm EST

This special year-long podcast project reveals special people—unsung heroes—in our midst. For a whole year, podcast host and producer Karen Hendricks asked TheBurg Podcast guests the same question: If you could identify an unsung hero in the Harrisburg area, who would it be and why?


Except, instead of airing all their answers, we’ve been saving and compiling them, so that we could release them all collectively in this special Unsung Heroes of Harrisburg Podcast on Valentine’s Day.


Think of this show, released on Valentine’s Day, as an audio Valentine that shares some community love for Harrisburg!


Hosting: Karen is joined by Lawrance Binda, publisher and editor of TheBurg.


Many thanks to two podcast sponsors:

Hero in the Fight, whose mission is to break the stigma often associated with addiction, because living in active recovery is a heroic act, every day. For help, support and facts, visit

Goodwill Keystone Area: And you probably know that the Goodwill store is a great community thrift store. But there’s a story behind the store that puts “goodwill” into action, advancing sustainability in our communities. Check out their story at


Guests include (but tune in to hear who they reveal as unsung heroes):

Kristin Messner-Baker of The Vegetable Hunter

Chad Eric Smith of Mural Arts Philadelphia

Speaker and historian John Maietta

Otis Harrison of OD’s Fish House

Soccer coach Toan Ngo of Eagle-FC’s USL W team

Kim Rice of the Harrisburg Area Riverboat Society

Local journalist-turned-teacher Dennis Reardon

Elle Lamboy formerly of the Gettysburg Foundation

Peter Leonard of Little Amps Coffee

Lt. Adam Reed of the Pennsylvania State Police

Josiah Peay of the Central PA Kings basketball team

Amy Kaunas of the Humane Society of the Harrisburg Area

Weston Kensinger of Penn State Harrisburg’s Douglas W. Pollock Center for Addiction Outreach and Research

Julie Fitzpatrick of the Pennsylvania Downtown Center

Ellen Min of the Harrisburg Asian American and Pacific Islander Community (HAAPI)

Carl Shuman, retiree-turned-children’s book author

David Morrison of Historic Harrisburg Association

Andrea Grove of Elementary Coffee

Greg Czarnecki of Pennsylvania’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 

Jessica Rudy of Gettysburg’s Majestic Theater

Sue Kunisky of Visit Hershey and Harrisburg

Lesa Brackbill, newborn screening advocate

Karen Good, clinical nurse specialist with UPMC Harrisburg

Thomas Sweet, retired pastor of Market Square Presbyterian Church

Nathan Reigner, Pennsylvania’s director of outdoor recreation


Also see our February 2023 magazine feature, “Unsung Heroes of Harrisburg,” expanding several of our unsung heroes’ stories.

For more information on award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks, visit her website and subscribe to her free monthly writer’s newsletter at

Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, publisher/editor. TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, 2021.


Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_-_Unsung_Heroes_of_Harrisburg.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:44pm EST

Harrisburg’s health, from head to toe: February’s guests explore health from lots of fascinating angles. And just in time for Valentine’s Day, we even talk about the heart of the city via residents’ healthy civic engagement.

Guests include:

·         Jelissa Gilmore explains how her women-focused fitness studio, FLY Fitness, is taking off—with a message that’s reaching and resonating with Black women.

·         Fred Joslyn talks about the expansion of Fleet Feet Mechanicsburg into a new Fleet Feet Harrisburg location, giving the small business owner a footprint across both shores of the Susquehanna.

·         Cindy Thomasson explains how a therapeutic ice skating program provides balance a strength—along with joy—to our local special needs population.

·         Plus Lawrance Binda, publisher/editor of TheBurg, shares his “most Harrisburg thing” for February and it ties right into Harrisburg’s community health.

Stay tuned for our bonus Valentine’s Day edition of TheBurg Podcast being released on February 14! “The Unsung Heroes of Harrisburg” is the culmination of a year-long project, as more than 25 of the past year’s guests reveal unsung heroes in their midst.

Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

New Heights | Expanding their Footprints | Breaking the Ice |Harrisburg Native Robert Lawson Appointed to Fill Open City Council Seat


Special thanks to everyone who responded to our recent podcast survey! Congrats to lucky listener Shawn Westhafer whose name was drawn as the winner of some fabulous Burg swag. And special thanks as always to Harrisburg band YamYam for our podcast music.

TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website and subscribe to her free monthly writer’s newsletter at


Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, publisher/editor. TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, 2021.


Interested in sharing your advertising message with TheBurg Podcast’s dedicated audience? Research shows that podcast sponsorships are one of the most effective forms of advertising! Contact Lauren ( or contact Karen directly at  




Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_Feb2023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:42pm EST

We kick off a new year by talking about climate change, science, as well as storytelling. Climate change is a new subject for TheBurg in 2023, and we look forward to exploring the topic—on the podcast as well as in the magazine—through a special six-part series.


Special thanks to January podcast sponsor, Fleet Feet Mechanicsburg, announcing the grand opening of their Fleet Feet Harrisburg location in February 2023.


Guests include:


Greg Czarnecki, Director of Applied Climate Science for the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. He explains how his mom influenced his career in climate science (really!), and explains how each one of us has the ability to impact climate change. We look forward to weaving climate change guests into TheBurg Podcast throughout 2023, in conjunction with TheBurg magazine’s 6-part climate change series.


Jessica Rudy, Director of Marketing & Group Sales for Gettysburg College’s Majestic Theater. She describes the incredible significance and impact of filmmaker Ken Burns’ 40-year body of work—because the first-ever Ken Burns Film Festival will be held in Gettysburg this February.

John Maietta, who has segued into a thriving career as a speaker/presenter. He’s mastered a plethora of history and pop culture topics—at the age of 72. On the podcast, he evens talks about his brush with “Jeopardy” fame.


On this month’s “Most Harrisburg Thing” by Lawrance Binda, publisher/editor of TheBurg: Harrisburg’s newly-elected state lawmakers are marking a milestone in diversity.


And special thanks to you, our listeners! We are excited to announce that podcast listenership continues to grow, as we recorded the highest number of downloads in the history of the podcast in 2022. As we grow, we’d like to hear your thoughts and ideas. Please participate in TheBurg Podcast’s listener survey, and you’ll be in the running for a swell Burg prize pack. (One winner will be randomly selected from all completed responses, with the winner notified by email on February 1, 2023.)


Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

Change Agent | Saluting America’s Storyteller | Past Life


Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, publisher/editor. TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, 2021.


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website and subscribe to her free monthly writer’s newsletter at



Interested in sharing your advertising message with TheBurg Podcast’s dedicated audience? Research shows that podcast sponsorships are one of the most effective forms of advertising! Contact Lauren ( or contact Karen directly at  



Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_Jan_2023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST

It’s a great time of year for reflection and perspective. This month’s podcast guests offer their life wisdom on career paths, retirement, and what makes Harrisburg a great place to live.


Guests include:

  • Freelance writer Diane McCormick, who previews her upcoming story about Harrisburg ranking #2 on U.S. News & World Report’s Best Places to Retire in the U.S.
  • Thomas Sweet, newly-retired pastor of Harrisburg’s Market Square Presbyterian Church, who shares the best advice he ever received—and much more.
  • Carl Shuman, a retired Harrisburg lawyer who has found a new career as a writer and children’s book author.
  • Plus Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, pops in for his monthly feature, “The Most Harrisburg Thing”—and ties into this theme of beginnings and endings in a very Harrisburg way.


Special thanks as always to Harrisburg band YamYam for our podcast music.


Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

A Real Joy | Timeless Tales | Editorial: Greetings, Governor


Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor. TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, 2021.


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website,


Interested in sharing your advertising message with TheBurg Podcast’s dedicated audience? Research shows that podcast sponsorships are one of the most effective forms of advertising! Contact Lauren ( or contact Karen directly at  

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_Dec_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm EST

We are thrilled to share conversations with three Harrisburg-area women who have forged nontraditional or unprecedented career paths:


  • Lesa Brackbill, who successfully advocated for updated newborn screening laws in Pennsylvania, and is continuing her advocacy journey across the country and world, driven by the death of her daughter.
  • Andrea Grove of Elementary Coffee on why there are so few women coffee roasters and woman-owned coffee shops.
  • Sandy Lockerman who created an environmental education career as the field evolved. She currently volunteers with a saw-whet owl research project operated by the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art.


Many thanks to the Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau and Cumberland Area Economic Development Corporation, Pennsylvania’s destination for business—and leisure, for sponsoring this episode of TheBurg Podcast. For more information, see



Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

Birthing a Legacy | Support Us | Night Watch | Editorial: Mind Your Businesses


Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor. TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, 2021.


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website,


Interested in sharing your advertising message with TheBurg Podcast’s dedicated audience? Research shows that podcast sponsorships are one of the most effective forms of advertising! Contact Lauren ( 

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_Nov_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

As hard as the pandemic was, and continues to be, for many people, there also continue to be glimmers of light, silver linings, business expansions, and stories about people helping others—doing the right thing.

And that’s the theme that links all of today’s podcast interviews, together:

  • Peter Leonard, CEO/Owner of Little Amps Coffee Roasters, location of the Green Street Community Pantry
  • Kristin Messner-Baker, owner of The Vegetable Hunter, whose Harrisburg restaurant has expanded to Carlisle and Hershey
  • Kellie Black of Middletown, who recently launched Harrisburg’s chapter of the 40+ Double Dutch Club

Many thanks to the Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau for sponsoring this episode of TheBurg Podcast, through their Cumberland Valley Beer Trail, with 29 locations—including Harrisburg—where everyone can find their flavor. For more information, see

Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

Mini but Mighty | Market Launch | Jump for Joy

Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor. TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, 2021.

TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website for more of her writing, journalism and PR work.  

Interested in sharing your advertising message with TheBurg Podcast’s dedicated audience? Research shows that podcast sponsorships are one of the most effective forms of advertising! Contact Lauren ( 




Direct download: TheBurgPodcastOct2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42pm EST

On the basketball court, a full court press is an all-out effort… putting pressure on the opposing team. How does this concept tie into September’s podcast?


“The Most Harrisburg Thing” these days is the Knead Pizza story. An all-out effort by employees, to unionize, resulted in the shop’s closing. The story has gotten a lot of press, but editor of TheBurg Lawrance Binda, in conversation with TheBurg Podcast’s Karen Hendricks, adds new insights and context.


Josiah Peay of Middletown has mounted a full court press to bring professional basketball to the Harrisburg area, through the Central PA Kings.


Dennis Reardon of Camp Hill mounted a full court press of his own, as he pushed toward the finish line of last year’s Harrisburg Marathon relay. He pushed himself so hard, he nearly lost his life—but he also gained new perspective on life.


Karen Good of Harrisburg, who works at UPMC Pinnacle Harrisburg, has volunteered to co-chair the Harrisburg Marathon medical tent for 15 years running. What motivates her to support area runners? Her insights and stories may surprise you.


Many thanks to the Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau for sponsoring this episode of TheBurg Podcast, through their Fall Fun Trail, featuring 18 classic ways to celebrate and experience the fall season. For more information, see


Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

Everyone Loses | Hoop Hopes | Marathon Misstep, Marathon Miracle


Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks.

DYK? TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, 2021.


Visit Karen Hendricks’ website for more of her writing, journalism and PR work. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Interested in sharing your advertising message with TheBurg Podcast’s dedicated audience? Research shows that podcast sponsorships are one of the most effective forms of advertising! Contact Lauren ( 

Direct download: TheBurgPodcast_Sept_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

From a famous Harrisburg clock, to a longtime YMCA professional who’s new to Harrisburg, plus a mentorship program that improves relationships between youth and police during these current times, even a little “island time” in the middle of the Susquehanna River:


Our August podcast is chockful of fascinating conversations about time.


We introduce you to:

David Ozmore, new president and CEO, Harrisburg Area YMCA

Lt. Adam Reed of the Pennsylvania State Police, also a “Bigs in Blue” mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region

Brad Jones, president and CEO of Harristown

Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, with “The Most Harrisburg Thing”


Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks.


Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

So Noted, TheBurg, August 2022 including David Ozmore and Chockablock Clock news | True Blue | Own an Island


DYK? TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, in 2021.


Interested in sharing your advertising message with TheBurg Podcast’s dedicated audience? Research shows that podcast sponsorships are one of the most effective forms of advertising! Contact Lauren ( 


Visit Karen Hendricks’ website for more of her writing, journalism and PR work. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_August_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:34pm EST

Has “Pursuit” been adopted, as a result of being TheBurg magazine’s “cover doggy?” Our July edition of TheBurg Podcast asks that question—and many more pet-related questions to celebrate these dog days of summer.


As a companion to TheBurg magazine, this month’s podcast welcomes the following guests:


  • Amy Kaunas, executive director of the Harrisburg Humane Society
  • Natahnee Miller of the nonprofit Harrisburg’s Great Dog Program
  • Elle Lamboy of the Gettysburg Foundation, including the new children’s museum, Children of Gettysburg 1863


Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, also pops in with his monthly “The Most Harrisburg Thing.” TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.”


Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

See Pursuit’s portrait on TheBurg’s July cover | Good Dogs, Made Great | Hands-On History


DYK? TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, in 2021.


Interested in sharing your advertising message with TheBurg Podcast’s dedicated audience? Research shows that podcast sponsorships are one of the most effective forms of advertising! Contact Lauren ( 


Visit Karen Hendricks’ website for more of her writing, journalism and PR work. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_July_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

Revitalization is the focus of our June podcast, as we expand three stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine’s June issue: 50 years later, what’s Harrisburg’s legacy from Hurricane Agnes? David Morrison, executive director, Historic Harrisburg Association explains how revitalization efforts continue impacting the city today.

Revitalization is thriving, in many Pennsylvania towns and cities, thanks in great part to the Harrisburg-based organization, The Pennsylvania Downtown Center. Executive director Julie Fitzpatrick shares her insights—including downtown success stories—as PDC celebrates its 35th anniversary.

Philadelphia is considered the model city for one specific and unique type of revitalization, worldwide: murals. Chad Eric Smith, communications director for Mural Arts Philadelphia, explains how Philly’s murals “beautify, inspire and empower.”

June’s “most Harrisburg thing” could truly revitalize your life. Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, issues a challenge, in his monthly feature. Tune in, to see if you’re up for it.

TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by award-winning Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.”


Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

Agnes at 50 | Downtown Rebound | Mural Mecca


DYK? TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, in 2021.


Interested in sharing your advertising message with TheBurg Podcast’s dedicated audience? Research shows that podcast sponsorships are one of the most effective forms of advertising! Contact Lauren ( 


Visit Karen Hendricks’ website for more of her writing, journalism and PR work. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_June_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm EST

We celebrate a whole lotta culture on TheBurg Podcast’s May episode: AAPI culture, soccer culture, and the culture of family-owned restaurants.

Meet three Harrisburg-area personalities, all featured within TheBurg magazine’s May issue:

  • Ellen Min, with the Harrisburg Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage group known as HAAPI
  • Toan Ngo, head coach for Pennsylvania’s first and only semi-professional women’s soccer team debuting this month, Eagle FC
  • Otis “O.D.” Harrison, owner of OD’s Fish House, Harrisburg

In this month’s “The Most Harrisburg Thing (TMHT)” editor of TheBurg Lawrance Binda drives home a point, about major city projects underway.


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.”


Backstories that coordinate with this episode include: Heritage Heralded | Kicking Off | Food and Family


DYK? TheBurg Podcast has received three prestigious podcast journalism awards over the past two years, including First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter, in 2021.


Visit Karen Hendricks’ website for more of her writing, journalism and PR work.


Interested in sharing your advertising message with TheBurg Podcast’s dedicated audience? Research shows that podcast sponsorships are one of the most effective forms of advertising! Contact Lauren ( 


TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_May_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30pm EST

It’s a “wild” time of year—a time to come out of hibernation and rediscover the great outdoors. Our April podcast guests explore Harrisburg’s and Pennsylvania’s wild side, from the Susquehanna River to its parks and outdoor recreation.   The state’s first director of outdoor recreation, Nathan Reigner explains how big of an outdoor gem Pennsylvania really is.


The Pride of the Susquehanna Riverboat’s new president of the board Kim Board explains what it means to be responsible for such an iconic symbol of Harrisburg, as the riverboat gets ready to launch a new season.


Richelle Corty of Harrisburg’s Wildwood Park previews this year’s Art in the Wild exhibit—composed of all-natural materials—and explains what that artwork naturally does for the community.


This month’s “Most Harrisburg Thing” is off the wall. Really. Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, sorts out a recent controversy that started with grocery store artwork.


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Every month, TheBurg Podcast expands stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.”


Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

Reigner Reigns | Setting Sail | The Painted Word: Art in the Wild


DYK? TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award,

Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.


Visit Karen Hendricks’ website for more of her writing, journalism and PR work. TheBurg Podcast is a great Central PA vehicle for sponsors and/or advertisers: Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_April_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm EST

How would you define a “hero?”

Two of our guests focus on heroes in our midst—those who are in active recovery from substance use.

Meet Dan Albert, founder of Hero in the Fight, a Central PA-based organization dedicated to breaking the stigma associated with addiction, and supporting the active recovery community. He’s very open about his substance use in our magazine story—and he explains why, on the podcast.

What can we, as a society, do to support those in active recovery? What language should we use? And what causes surges in substance use such as the opioid epidemic? Weston Kensinger, Director of the Douglas W. Pollock Center for Addiction Outreach and Research at Penn State Harrisburg, answers those questions and more for a fascinating deep dive into the subject.

Have you seen TheBurg’s March 2022 cover art? Meet Pamela Black, the artist who created this month’s beautiful, bright artwork.

Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, goes uptown for this month’s “The Most Harrisburg Thing.”

And host Karen Hendricks wraps up this banner episode—TheBurg Podcast’s 2nd birthday in our news magazine-style format—with a fun behind-the-scenes montage of bloopers and fun moments.

Every month, we expand stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” Backstories that coordinate with this episode include:

A Straight Fight | TheBurg, March 2022, including Pamela Black’s cover art

DYK? TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.

TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 

TheBurg Podcast is a great Central PA vehicle for sponsors and/or advertisers: Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_March_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:21am EST

What are the hidden gems of Harrisburg? And where are these sparkling treasures?


That’s what we asked nearly all of our podcast guests over the past year. But—surprise, surprise—we saved these audio treasures for this bonus Valentine’s Day episode.


This special Valentine’s Day edition of TheBurg Podcast is sponsored by Explore HBG.


Nearly 25 guests reveal their favorite, go-to places they consider unique to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. And some of the answers may surprise you: They range from sparkling gems of nature to the capital city’s cultural gems, outstanding restaurants and businesses, iconic architectural gems, plus even a few quirky local gems. Some are truly hidden, off-the-beaten-path gems.


Discover the hidden gems of the Burg, on TheBurg Podcast: Hosted by Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg; and Karen Hendricks, TheBurg Podcast’s host and producer.


Guests, sharing their hidden gems, include:

  • Melissa Brown, UPMC Central PA
  • Fred Burton, Harrisburg-based writer
  • George Conrad, president, Standing Stone Trail Club
  • Karen Cullings, executive director of the Daphin County Library System
  • Seth Dellinger, Animal Advocates of Central PA
  • Jenifer Donnelly of Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg
  • Clare Flannery, Harrisburg runner
  • Monica Gould, DEI expert, of Strategic Consulting Partners,
  • Rich Hauck, TheBurg illustrator
  • Brad Jones, Harristown president and CEO
  • Kasey Jordan, Harrisburg native and ice skater with Revolution Ice Unity
  • Kevin Kulp, president, Harrisburg Senators 
  • Maestro Stuart Malina of the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra
  • Maureen Marks of Maureen Marks Arts
  • Diane McCormick, freelance writer for TheBurg
  • Sammi Leigh Melville, TheBurg’s resident film writer
  • Rod Mortel, High Hopes for Haiti
  • Melissa Nicholson of Gamut Theatre
  • Steph Perez, Harrisburg artist
  • Ian Potter, muralist and Harrisburg native
  • Peter Sirotin of the Harrisburg Symphony and Market Square Concerts
  • Crystal Skotedis, Harrisburg resident, principal with Boyer & Ritter LLC
  • Todd Vander Woude, executive director of the Harrisburg Downtown Improvement District 
  • Andrew Williams, music teacher, Reach Cyber Charter School


TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, through their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine–because there’s always “more to the story.” TheBurg Podcast is released monthly on the second Friday of every month. It is hosted and produced by Karen Hendricks, an award-winning journalist and PR professional. Visit her website here. 


TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.


To sponsor a future episode of TheBurg Podcast, contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_-_Hidden_Gems_of_HBG_Feb_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:56am EST

Every month, we expand three stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” On the February podcast:  

Dr. Kimeka Campbell reflects on her one-year anniversary as host of Harrisburg Black Newsbeat. We also learn more about her background, as well as her work with Young Professionals of Color-Greater Harrisburg.


Sue Kunisky, Vice President of Operations at Visit Hershey & Harrisburg, explores the Black Travel Experience—the organization’s latest trail experience which markets Harrisburg’s Black-owned businesses, Black cultural and historical landmarks, and more.


We also go beyond the surface of artist Wendy Allen’s nearly 40-year career of painting Abraham Lincoln, from her Gettysburg gallery Lincoln into Art. She explains why she strives to keep Lincoln’s legacy alive and relevant through each painting.


If there was ever a historical figure who stood up for minorities and equality for all, it was Abraham Lincoln.


All of the podcast’s stories give voice to people or causes representing minorities, which statistics reveal, actually comprise majorities. For example, Harrisburg has a Black-majority (52%) population. Women own 31% of the state’s businesses, yet comprise 51% of Pennsylvania’s population.


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 


Backstories: This episode is based upon the following February magazine stories:

In the Spotlight | Getting the Word Out | Her Life’s Work


DYK? TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.


TheBurg Podcast is welcoming sponsors and/or advertisers: Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_Feb_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm EST

New Year, New You? Nope, we’re not going there in 2022.


Public sentiment amid a pandemic calls for a new slogan. We propose “New Year, New Issues” and our podcast stories help you navigate through a number of current issues.


Seth Dellinger of Harrisburg is director of community engagement for Animal Advocates of South Central PA, an organization dedicated to supporting the vegan community. He debunks the common misconceptions—and dives into some of the issues--about veganism.


Author Fred Burton of Harrisburg used a controversial topic—fracking—to reach people on both sides of the issue and help them see the other side’s point of view, through the characters in his book. He walks us through the pros and cons of fracking—an issue vital to Pennsylvania.


Harrisburg runner Clare Flannery recently ran the race of a lifetime, the iconic Boston Marathon. She shares her insights, for a dose of “New Year, New You” inspo.


Plus our esteemed editor Lawrance Binda shares his “most Harrisburg thing” for January—and it falls right into the “New Year, New Issues” category.


Thanks to podcast sponsor Stonebridge Financial Group for sharing valuable financial advice for the new year. Special thanks as always to Harrisburg band YamYam for our podcast music.


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 


Backstories: This episode is based upon the following December magazine stories:

Vegan, Begin | Penning Perspective | Runner’s High


Every month, TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of Harrisburg’s most fascinating people. Their stories start on the pages of TheBurg magazine, and are expanded here on TheBurg Podcast… because “there’s always more to the story.”


DYK? TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.


TheBurg Podcast is welcoming sponsors and/or advertisers: Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, PA; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Direct download: TheBurgPodcastJanuary2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:45pm EST

DEI is much more than a buzzword. How would you define Diversity, Equity and Inclusion? You can compare your definition with one shared by a local expert—who’s actually a national expert on the subject. Monica Gould of Strategic Consulting Partners provides plenty of food-for-thought, including three tips for how we can be more mindful of DEI in our daily lives, especially in the new year.


SAD is another timely acronym. Dr. Melissa Brown of UPMC Central PA explains how to keep Seasonal Affective Disorder at bay through the dark winter months. SAD can turn darker, toward suicidal thoughts—and she tells us how to recognize those warning signs as well.


NLP is a local acronym associated with warm, neighborly connections. Neighbors of Lower Paxton has spun off a new nonprofit, Bike a Better Path, and executive director Forrest Healey shares some of their heartwarming holiday success.


It’s full steam ahead, into the holiday season, for Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, in his “Most Harrisburg Thing.”


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 


Backstories: This episode is based upon the following December magazine stories:

Embracing Inclusion | It’s a SAD Time of Year | Wonderland of Wheels


Every month, TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of Harrisburg’s most fascinating people. Their stories start on the pages of TheBurg magazine, and are expanded here on TheBurg Podcast… because “there’s always more to the story.”


DYK? TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.


TheBurg Podcast is welcoming sponsors and/or advertisers: Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, PA; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_Dec_2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30pm EST

This month’s podcast is like a giant pot of gumbo, chock-full of Harrisburg happenings.

First, we talk soup, and so much more, with Dr. Rod Mortel of the High Hopes for Haiti Foundation. He explains why he’s not worried about his foundation’s school, and its many additional programs, despite the country’s struggles.

Meet TheBurg’s resident film critic Sammi Leigh Melville, and enjoy an expanded “The Most Harrisburg Thing” with Lawrance Binda, TheBurg’s editor extraordinaire.

Every month, TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of Harrisburg’s most fascinating people. Their stories start on the pages of TheBurg magazine, and are expanded here on TheBurg Podcast… because “there’s always more to the story.”

TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 

Backstories: This episode is based upon the following November magazine stories:

High Hopes for HaitiNow We’re Cooking: “Julia” | Surf’s Almost Up, at Harrisburg Beach Club

DYK? TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.

TheBurg Podcast is welcoming sponsors and/or advertisers: Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, PA; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Direct download: TheBurgPodcastNov2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm EST

Art is at the heart of this month’s podcast:


First, Crystal Skotedis of Harrisburg recounts her quest to find a long-forgotten elk statue. She takes us along for all the twists and turns—with a surprise ending that adds to our magazine story.


What was it like to see 230 feet of the Mulberry Street bridge transformed by murals? Harrisburg native Ian Potter shares his reflections on this incredible experience—and he explains how painting sets for Gamut Theatre propelled him into a career as a muralist in New York City.


Harrisburg area kids can’t get enough art, especially amid the pandemic, and that’s why business is booming for Maureen Marks Art of Harrisburg.


People and politics: Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, shares two “Most Harrisburg Things” for October.


Backstories: This episode is based upon the following October magazine stories: A Statue Story | Portrait of the Community | Art on the Mark


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 


Every month, TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of Harrisburg’s most fascinating people. Their stories start on the pages of TheBurg magazine, and are expanded here on TheBurg Podcast… because “there’s always more to the story.”


DYK? TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.


TheBurg Podcast is welcoming sponsors and/or advertisers: Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, PA; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurgPodcastOctober2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:28pm EST

This might be the only podcast in history that brings together an ice skater, violinist and illustrator. The fact that all three have ties to Harrisburg? We call that quirky cool.


Ice skater Kasey Jordan of Harrisburg explains how she helps her Central PA-based team, Revolution Ice Unity, with both physical and mental health. And she shares her thoughts on the greater conversation about the mental health of athletes.


Peter Sirotin of Market Square Concerts explains how truly rare and special it is, to be marking a 40th anniversary in chamber music (Philadelphia’s equivalent is younger!), and he explains how classical music and the arts impact our everyday lives—from favorite movies, pandemic pick-me-ups, to even social media scrolling.


Illustrations by Rich Hauck grace nearly every issue of TheBurg magazine, but this podcast marks the first time he’s been interviewed and shared his words with TheBurg. Meet this talented illustrator and designer.


Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, share his “Most Harrisburg Thing” for September—and be sure to listen to the end, because for some reason he buries his lede in this one—it’s worth it!

This month’s podcast is based on September magazine stories:

Breaking the Ice | 40 & Fabulous | See Rick Hauck’s September illustration in Gold Plated Spaces and his June 2015 TheBurg cover art “tourist map”


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 


Every month, TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of Harrisburg’s most fascinating people. Their stories start on the pages of TheBurg magazine, and are expanded here on TheBurg Podcast… because “there’s always more to the story.”


DYK? TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.


Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, PA.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Direct download: TheBurgPodcastSept2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Powerful poetry, capturing racial injustice: It’s what three Harrisburg women wrote, back in the 1930s, during the Harlem Renaissance. Harrisburg’s connection and contributions to this flowering of African American arts and culture was only recently discovered. Writer Diane McCormick explains how she uncovered this story for TheBurg—and she reads one of their full-length poems.


Children’s voices—virtual and harmonious: Andy Williams of the Harrisburg area connects music students throughout the state as a teacher for the statewide Reach Cyber Charter School. We hear one of his most popular, moving musical montages, showcasing his students. And he explains his take on the pandemic’s educational effects.


Sweet wheels: The childhood thrill of riding a bike is now captured in a mural at the nonprofit Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg. Volunteer and board member Jenifer Donnelly explains why children are at the heart of the organization’s mission—and new mural.


TMHT: And in this month’s “most Harrisburg thing,” editor of TheBurg Lawrance Binda explains why, sometimes less is more.


This month’s backstories:

Harrisburg & Harlem  | Sing a Song  | Pedal & Paint


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 


Every month, TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of Harrisburg’s most fascinating people. Their stories start on the pages of TheBurg magazine, and are expanded here on TheBurg Podcast… because “there’s always more to the story.”


DYK? TheBurg Podcast recently received two prestigious awards:

  • First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter
  • Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation


Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurgPodcastAug2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm EST

Whether you’re on team dog or team cat, we have you covered in this month’s pet-themed podcast.


“Second lady of Pennsylvania” Gisele Fetterman explains why she—along with her famous rescue dog Levi—will continue advocating for legislation to increase state dog licenses.


Then we go “behind the cover” of TheBurg’s July issue. Harrisburg artist Steph Perez explains how she created Mack the cat’s portrait—along with more than 100 others—through her popular pet portrait business Fur and Feather.


Our musical friends, Harrisburg band Yam Yam, stop by to chat about—and preview—their new single and upcoming new album.


Every podcast ends with a final word from Lawrance Binda, Editor of TheBurg, as he shares his monthly TMHT (“the most Harrisburg thing”). July’s TMHT marks a turning point in Harrisburg’s pandemic recovery.


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 


Every month, TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of Harrisburg’s most fascinating people. Their stories start on the pages of TheBurg magazine, and are expanded here, on TheBurg Podcast… because “there’s always more to the story.”


This month’s backstories:

Lucky Levi | Check out the cover of TheBurg, July 2021


DYK? TheBurg Podcast recently received two prestigious awards:

First place, Excellence in Journalism Award, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter

Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation


Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurgPodcastJuly2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm EST

Are you easing, or careening, into post-pandemic life?


Either way, our latest podcast can help, by adding a touch of drama and adventure to your June plans.


Melissa Nicholson of Gamut Theatre describes what it’s like to return to live, outdoor theatre in Harrisburg, with Shakespeare in the Park’s “Hamlet.” You never know what’s going to happen, with live theatre—she shares funny stories of summers’ past. Plus, she previews the 2021 summer theatre lineup.


Live life on the edge, through Julie McKelvey of Lemoyne: She explains the driving forces propelling her—and the life lessons she’s gained—in attempting to climb the Seven Summits. Plus, she describes how she’s “giving back.”


Step into a Central PA hiking adventure: George Conrad, president of the Standing Stone Trail Club, shares the latest news from the Thousand Steps Trail and beyond.


It’s pretty rare for Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, to be “stunned.” He describes something he’s never witnessed, in all his years in Harrisburg, in this month’s “Most Harrisburg Thing.”


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 


Every month, TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of Harrisburg’s most fascinating people. Their stories start on the pages of TheBurg magazine, and are expanded here, on TheBurg Podcast… because “there’s always more to the story.”


This month’s backstories:

Staging a Comeback: Gamut’s “Shakespeare in the Park” returns with the classic “Hamlet” / Peak Purpose: Harrisburg-Area woman nears a rare achievement—mounting the “Seven Summits” / Stepping Stones: The Thousand Steps Trail is a Rock Star Among Area Hiking Trails


DYK? TheBurg Podcast recently received two prestigious awards: First place, Excellence in Journalism Award, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.


Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Direct download: TheBurgPodcastJune2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:53pm EST

Do you have a spring in your step?


Harrisburg’s street dining is back, with Saturday Nights in the City. Todd Vander Woude, executive director of the Harrisburg Downtown Improvement District explains how dining alfresco may become a regular thing, post-pandemic, in the capital city.


The return of minor league baseball is major news for many. Kevin Kulp, president of the Harrisburg Senators talks about what it means to play ball once again.


May is when we see an uptick in tick activity. Whether you’re venturing out in your backyard or hitting the trails, your chance of coming into contact with a tick carrying Lyme disease is unfortunately on the rise in PA. Amy Tiehel of the PA Lyme Resource Network has tips on how to stay safe this spring and summer.


Plus: Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, casts his vote for May’s “Most Harrisburg Thing.”


Because “there’s more to the story,” this episode expands several stories from the pages of May’s magazine: Dining to Return to Harrisburg Streets / Back in the Swing of Things / Lyme Lessons


DYK? TheBurg Podcast recently received two prestigious awards:

First place, Excellence in Journalism Award, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter

Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by Karen Hendricks, a lifelong journalist who also dabbles in PR/Marketing. Visit her website here. / TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor. /  Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren ( 


Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”  

Direct download: TheBurgPodcastMay2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

What are some of Harrisburg’s challenges—and successes—in terms of breaking down barriers?

Brad Jones, Harristown President and CEO, talks about reinventing the city of Harrisburg’s image through economic development and adaptive reuse projects.

Maestro Stuart Malina of the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra explains how the 90-year old organization continues to break down the barriers and stereotypes that often prevent people from enjoying the arts.

And are you a Friend of TheBurg? Kelsey Tatge and Lawrance Binda of TheBurg address how the membership program Friends of TheBurg breaks down barriers and establishes closer ties between the public and our very own news organization.

TMHT: Editor of TheBurg Lawrance Binda plants a springy “The Most Harrisburg Thing” to wrap up the show.

Because “there’s more to the story,” this episode expands several stories from the pages of April’s magazine: “We Re-Built This City” / “Turning the Page” / And Friends of TheBurg celebrates its one-year mark with membership available here.

TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by Karen Hendricks, a lifelong journalist who also dabbles in PR/Marketing. Visit her website here. 

TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren ( 

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”  

Direct download: TheBurgPodcastApril2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm EST

Covering TheBurg’s news through a pandemic has been a challenging experience filled with equally rewarding, innovative, heartbreaking and humorous moments for four of our freelance writers.

Writers Diane Mc-Cormick, Gina Napoli and Susan Ryder join Karen Hendricks for a conversation that expands upon “Pandemic Perspectives,” their essays published in the March 2021 issue of TheBurg.

From innovative interviews, poignant social justice stories, pivots in theater performances, challenging work-from-home environments, pandemic pet adoptions, and healthy doses of humor, our writers summarize a year’s worth of highs and lows.

Not to be outdone, Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, delivers this podcast’s “icing” on the cake through his “Most Harrisburg Thing.”

We give a warm welcome to podcast sponsor, the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, in celebration of their 90th birthday and special online performance this month.

This episode marks the one-year anniversary of TheBurg Podcast’s magazine style format produced and hosted by Karen Hendricks, and we close out the show with a fun collection of bloopers and behind-the-scenes moments from the past year.

“Thank you” to all listeners and guests, and we look forward to sharing more fascinating interviews over the next year!

TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by Karen Hendricks, a lifelong journalist who also dabbles in PR/Marketing. Visit her website here. 

TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor. 

Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren (

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”  

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_March2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST

What do you love about the Burg?

That’s what we asked nearly all of our podcast guests over the past year. But—surprise, surprise—we saved the audio for this bonus Valentine’s Day episode.

Nearly 25 guests share their stories about Harrisburg and what makes this Pennsylvania city so livable—and lovable.

This special show is co-hosted by Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg; and Karen Hendricks, host of TheBurg Podcast.

Guests, sharing the love for Harrisburg, include:

  • Joe Arthur, Central Pennsylvania Food Bank
  • Amie Bantz, Harrisburg-based artist
  • Linda Beck, Harrisburg, of Braver Angels
  • Karen Cotter of Better Angels
  • Sheila Dow-Ford, Impact Harrisburg
  • Dani Fresh, Harrisburg-based photojournalist
  • Phil George, area artist and radio personality
  • Cindy Gorski, Harrisburg Bicycle Club
  • Wendell Hoover, Iron Valley Real Estate
  • Andrea Karns, Karns Quality Foods
  • Peter Leonard, Little Amps Coffee
  • Sam Levine, Red Door Consignment Gallery
  • Blake Lynch, Harrisburg Bureau of Police
  • Bob MacGinnes, Bob’s Art Blog for TheBurg
  • Diane McCormick, Harrisburg, freelance writer for TheBurg
  • Jason Meckes, Visit Hershey and Harrisburg
  • Jennie O’Neill, Knead Slice Shop
  • Susan Ryder, freelance writer for TheBurg
  • Deb Schell, Harrisburg, freelance writer and photographer
  • Alice Anne Schwab, Susquehanna Art Museum
  • Angie & Trevor Spencer, Marathon Training Academy 

TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, through their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine--because there’s always “more to the story.”  TheBurg Podcast is released monthly on the second Friday of every month. It is hosted and produced by Karen Hendricks.

Direct download: To_HBG_Love_TheBurg.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

This year has been one for the record books.

It’s also been a year when many people have turned to books—for escape and education, insights and information.

But when you talk about the role books have played in our lives—especially during the past year—you find the conversation also touches on pandemic pivots, African American literature, Black-owned businesses and the role of libraries within communities.

The February episode of TheBurg Podcast pulls two people from the pages of our February magazine, to expand upon their stories, in their own words:

  • Karen Cullings, executive director of the Dauphin County Library System (from the magazine story “Pandemic Plot Twists”)
  • Stefan Hawkins, who recently launched two Black-owned businesses on Harrisburg’s Third Street, including Good Brotha’s Book Café (from the magazine story “Cup of Culture”)

Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, shares a positive, “developing” story, in this month’s “Most Harrisburg Thing.”

TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by Karen Hendricks, a lifelong journalist who also dabbles in PR/Marketing. Visit her website here. 

TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren (

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”  

Direct download: TheBurgPodcast_Feb2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm EST

We’ve cooked up a podcast lineup filled to the brim with warm topics.

From the surprising trends in Harrisburg’s pandemic purchases, to her own go-to meals at home, Andrea Karns of Karns Quality Foods explains how grocery stores have shelved their traditional operations and how shoppers are setting some hot, and sometimes spicy, trends.

Not only is food writing Stephanie Kalina Metzger’s bread and butter, but she’s an expert at making bread and butter pickles. Meet one of TheBurg’s foodie writers and hear her recommendations for local pandemic takeout.

Harrisburg Bicycle Club member Cindy Gorski explains why she prefers wintertime bike riding over summer spins. And she shares her inspirational story of how she logged 100,000 miles.

Plus TheBurg’s editor Lawrance Binda shares warm thoughts about 2021, in his Most Harrisburg Thing for January.

All three guests expand upon January magazine stories:

Crisis in Aisle 12 / Grains of Taste / Snowball Effect

TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by Karen Hendricks, a lifelong journalist who also dabbles in PR/Marketing. Visit her website here. 

TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren (

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”  

Direct download: TheBurgPodcastJan2021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:33pm EST

In this special holiday edition of TheBurg Podcast, we wrap up 2020 by unwrapping some creative “gifts”  from an artistic lineup of guests.

Artist Amie Bantz explains her inspiration behind TheBurg’s December magazine cover.

Megan Caruso, co-founder of Sprocket Mural Works, previews the 2021 Harrisburg Mural Festival—an expansion of our magazine story, “Walls of Hope.”

Three of the Yams, from Harrisburg band Yam Yam, stop by with an exciting holiday gift: They debut a new song from their upcoming album, on the podcast.

Bob MacGinnes, who writes Bob’s Art Blog for TheBurg, paints a picture of “the year in art.”

And editor Lawrance Binda pops by with his “most Harrisburg thing” for December.

TheBurg Podcast is hosted by Karen Hendricks, a lifelong journalist who also dabbles in PR/Marketing. Visit her website here. 

TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren ( 

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”  


Direct download: TheBurgPodcastDec2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26pm EST

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania takes center stage in this episode.

First, Lawrance Binda provides his insights, as editor of TheBurg, into the capital city’s unique role through 2020’s pandemic and political landscape.

Expanding on two stories within the pages of our November issue:

Wendell Hoover of Iron Valley Real Estate describes Harrisburg’s sizzling hot real estate market and explains why the city is perfectly positioned to capitalize on pandemic lifestyles.

Although he’s helped to furnish Harrisburg homes for nearly 10 years, Sam Levine of Red Door Consignment Gallery has never experienced a business boon like 2020’s pandemic-induced one. He explains what Harrisburg homeowners and buying and selling—and why.

Additionally, we head north along the Susquehanna River to chat with Central Pennsylvania podcaster, Peterson Tuscano of Susquehanna Life Out Loud. Reciprocally, TheBurg Podcast’s Karen Hendricks is a guest on his winter episode.

TheBurg Podcast is hosted by Karen Hendricks, a lifelong journalist who also dabbles in PR/Marketing. Visit her website here. 

TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren ( 

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”  

Show Notes:
“Headed to Harrisburg”
“A Season Like No Other”

Fans of TheBurg Podcast: Please take a moment to leave us a rating and/or review--which will help others "discover" Harrisburg and TheBurg. Thanks!

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_Nov2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04pm EST

Have opinions about reds and blues? Do you even attempt to talk politics? Whether you answered these questions with a sigh or snark, this podcast is for you.

It’s your survival guide to election season, with tools and tips for holding civil conversations, maintaining relationships and navigating social media.

Three guests, all members of the nonprofit organization Braver Angels, offer their advice and wisdom for bridging the political divide:

Linda Beck of Harrisburg, Dauphin County’s first moderator for Braver Angels.

Karen Cotter, Braver Angels’ blue state coordinator, eastern Penn.

Karen Ward, Braver Angels’ red state coordinator, western Penn.

This episode is an expansion of “On the Side of the Angels,” from the Oct. 2020 pages of TheBurg.

And “The Most Harrisburg Thing” for October is a colorful counterpoint to pandemic life, according to TheBurg Editor Lawrance Binda.

TheBurg Podcast is hosted by Karen Hendricks, a lifelong journalist who also dabbles in PR/Marketing. Visit her website here.

TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren (

 Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”

 A few more show notes:

Linda Beck can be contacted at

The With Malice Toward None pledge can be found at this link.

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_Oct2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30pm EST

TheBurg Podcast’s September episode expands three stories from our magazine's "food issue"--and all three serve up a healthy helping of hope.

Peter Leonard, CEO of Little Amps Coffee, explains how the Harrisburg-based business has stayed strong through this challenging year—and he even reveals Little Amps’ big plans for expansion.

When you consider Jason Meckes’ title (Experience Development Director) at Visit Hershey & Harrisburg, you might wonder what kind of tourism experience is possible amid 2020’s landscape, but he explains how he brewed one up—the Brew Barons Beer Trail.

There’s no question that the restaurant industry is struggling amid the pandemic. In order to help them, Carlisle’s Phil George took a creative approach. His story is proof that one person can indeed make a difference.

How do you describe the personality of Harrisburg? Editor Lawrance Binda tackles that question in his monthly feature, “The Most Harrisburg Thing”—and he serves up a smorgasbord in September.

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”

TheBurg Podcast is hosted by Karen Hendricks, a lifelong journalist who also dabbles in PR/Marketing. Visit her website here:

TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Links to the print stories featured and expanded on this month’s podcast:
“A Java Well Done”
“Banking on Beer”
“Art with a Heart”

Direct download: TheBurgPodcastSept2020Master.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:43pm EST

Mike Fitzgerald and Gary Dutson, both of Harrisburg, were the driving force behind Harrisburg’s Black Lives Matter mural. They explain, in their own words, what motivated them to create the mural, and they explain what the phrase “Black Lives Matter” means to them.

Tim Eller of Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA), based in Harrisburg, expands upon the sky-high interest in Pennsylvania’s public cyber charter schools—and dispels many of the myths associated with online learning. And he explains how CCA gives back to the Harrisburg community.

Tourism is one of the hardest-hit industries as a result of COVID-19. We follow up with Mary Smith of Visit Hershey & Harrisburg for an update. She navigates through the bleak landscape but offers a few glimmers of hope. Plus, she shares staycation ideas you can find right here in your own backyard.

Plus editor of TheBurg, Lawrance Binda stops by for August’s “most Harrisburg thing”—and it’s a real treat.

Links to the stories featured and expanded on this month’s podcast:

“New Black Lives Matter Mural Painted in Midtown to Encourage Solidarity, Dialogue”

“Educated Guess”

”Vacation, Staycation”

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”

Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren (

Karen Hendricks is a lifelong journalist; visit her website here.


Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_Aug2020_master.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm EST

It may feel challenging to maintain a sense of community throughout the pandemic—but that’s the challenge all of our guests tackle in this episode.

First, we welcome Blake Lynch, Community Policing Coordinator for the Harrisburg Police Bureau. His voice is one of several in the July issue’s, “Voices of Our Community,” which highlights perspectives from Harrisburg’s Black community. On the podcast, we dive deeper into his unique position as Community Policing Coordinator--which he describes as “a bridge,” plus he shares his thoughts on the “defund the police” movement and more.

Community can grow from a garden (“Tough Times, Green Times”). Harrisburg’s community gardens are thriving—and they’re producing more than flowers and vegetables. On the podcast, writer Deb Schell expands on the many benefits of pandemic gardening. Plus Deb explains how she made a pandemic pivot to found a new venture, Find Calm Here.

Harrisburg is easing back into a cultural sense of community, with 3rd in the Burg events starting back up again in July. Coordinator Kelsey Tatge explains what 3rd in the Burg means to the city’s arts and cultural community.

Editor of TheBurg, Lawrance Binda returns with “The Most Harrisburg Thing” for July—and it’s a community icon.

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”

Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact

Karen Hendricks is a lifelong journalist; visit her website here:

Direct download: TheBurgPodcast_July2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

TheBurg’s June 2020 podcast focuses on innovation!


First, innovative strategies are helping to feed the hungry—and capitalizing on the timing of the summer produce season—at the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Joe Arthur, executive director, provides details. (Based on the magazine story, “Hunger Pains.”)


Secondly, we hear from Sheila Dow-Ford, executive director of Impact Harrisburg. Their innovative grant program swung into action in record time, to help city businesses lessen the pandemic’s impact—with a significant portion going to minority-owned businesses. (Based upon the magazine’s “News Digest.”)


Editor of TheBurg Lawrance Binda reflects on the links between tension and change, city and state, in his reoccurring TMHT feature (“the most Harrisburg thing”).


Finally, we switch gears, to innovation with a “fun factor.” Straight from the front cover of TheBurg’s June issue, we bring you an exclusive interview with Harrisburg’s newest celeb, “Sharkman” himself. (Here’s our digital June issue.)


Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”


Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, PA; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren (


Karen Hendricks is a lifelong journalist; visit her website:



June Issue:



Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_June2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:33pm EST

Overwhelmed by pandemic news? This month’s podcast provides the antidote—we talk around “it” without focusing on “it.”


Behind the lens: Harrisburg-based photographer Dani Fresh shares her insights, from her photo essay of street scenes, “Silent City.”


Missing sports? Culture? Alice Anne Schwab of the Susquehanna Art Museum goes to bat for you, explaining how you can still catch the museum’s current exhibit “Separate and Unequaled” detailed in “Diamonds are Forever: SAM exhibit honors Negro Leagues centennial.”


Cat chat: Writer Diane McCormick expands upon her story “Pets & Pandemic” to share timely information for animal lovers.


And running along the Susquehanna River sparked the idea for editor Lawrance Binda’s monthly TMHT, “the most Harrisburg thing.”


Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, straight from every month’s issue—with a different twist—on TheBurg Podcast. Because there’s always “more to the story.” Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren (


Karen Hendricks is a lifelong journalist; visit her website here:


Read More:

Direct download: TheBurgPodcastMay2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:44pm EST

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, straight from every month’s issue—with a different twist—on TheBurg Podcast. Because there’s always “more to the story.” Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Life as we know it is changed. The COVID-19 pandemic is the first national and international crisis most of us have ever experienced. Stay-at-home life has become a mixture of terrible news and grim statistics, intertwined with beautiful news of selfless medical professionals and community helpers.

With that in mind, this month’s podcast reflects news from a variety of those perspectives.

We’ll have an update on Central Pennsylvania’s small businesses and how they’re weathering this storm, featuring David Black, President and CEO, Harrisburg Regional Chamber and Capital Region Economic Development Corporation.

We’ll also talk with a Harrisburg area musician, Xander Moppin of Yam Yam, about how the pandemic is affecting the arts.

And enjoying a breath of fresh air, outdoors, has never sounded so good. We’ll explore hiking with reporter Maddie Conley. “Trailing Along,” in the April issue of TheBurg, explains how the organization Hike It Baby is introducing the next generation to nature. (

Plus Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg, will share TMHT, “the most Harrisburg thing,” amid the pandemic.

Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren (
TheBurg’s Website:
Karen Hendricks is a lifelong journalist; visit her website here (

Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm EST

Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, straight from every month’s issue—with a different twist—on TheBurg Podcast. Because there’s always “more to the story.” Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Susan Ryder has written a series of stories about the homeless for TheBurg. In the March 2020 magazine (“Lend A Hand—A beginner’s guide to helping the homeless”), she compiles resources to guide the good intentions of donors. On the podcast, she talks about her personal connection to this issue, the evolution of her stories on the homeless, and some of the commonly held misconceptions people often have about the homeless.


Think about your favorite hometown pizza, and chances are, it’ll cook up a nostalgic memory. Jennie O’Neill of Knead Pizza hopes her pies have all the right ingredients to create those memories for current Harrisburg residents. She talks about her “recipe for success,” how the Broad Street Market is an incubator for businesses, and she reveals the craziest things she’s ever put on a pizza. More info: Knead More Pizza


Angie and Trevor Spencer might not be household names to you, but to thousands of listeners across the globe, they’re known as the personalities behind the Marathon Training Academy podcast. And who knew? They live and create their podcast right here in Central PA, in Carlisle. They share their thoughts on podcasting (10 years into their business!), how a “running community” is formed, and—now that they’ve moved here—their impressions of Harrisburg and Central PA. More info: Run Hear


TMHT: Plus Editor Larry Binda joins us to share “the most Harrisburg thing”—a recurring feature closing out each episode. Today’s TMHT focuses on community and collaboration.


Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren Mills 
Karen Hendricks is a lifelong journalist; visit her website here

Direct download: March2020Master.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:12pm EST