Magazine-style news podcast that introduces you to the most fascinating people in Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania. Hear their authentic stories, straight from every month’s issue of TheBurg—with a different twist—on TheBurg Podcast. Because there’s always “more to the story.” Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine devoted to PA news, business, art, culture, music, food, health, sports and more; Lawrance Binda, editor.

What are the hidden gems of Harrisburg? And where are these sparkling treasures?


That’s what we asked nearly all of our podcast guests over the past year. But—surprise, surprise—we saved these audio treasures for this bonus Valentine’s Day episode.


This special Valentine’s Day edition of TheBurg Podcast is sponsored by Explore HBG.


Nearly 25 guests reveal their favorite, go-to places they consider unique to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. And some of the answers may surprise you: They range from sparkling gems of nature to the capital city’s cultural gems, outstanding restaurants and businesses, iconic architectural gems, plus even a few quirky local gems. Some are truly hidden, off-the-beaten-path gems.


Discover the hidden gems of the Burg, on TheBurg Podcast: Hosted by Lawrance Binda, editor of TheBurg; and Karen Hendricks, TheBurg Podcast’s host and producer.


Guests, sharing their hidden gems, include:

  • Melissa Brown, UPMC Central PA
  • Fred Burton, Harrisburg-based writer
  • George Conrad, president, Standing Stone Trail Club
  • Karen Cullings, executive director of the Daphin County Library System
  • Seth Dellinger, Animal Advocates of Central PA
  • Jenifer Donnelly of Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg
  • Clare Flannery, Harrisburg runner
  • Monica Gould, DEI expert, of Strategic Consulting Partners,
  • Rich Hauck, TheBurg illustrator
  • Brad Jones, Harristown president and CEO
  • Kasey Jordan, Harrisburg native and ice skater with Revolution Ice Unity
  • Kevin Kulp, president, Harrisburg Senators 
  • Maestro Stuart Malina of the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra
  • Maureen Marks of Maureen Marks Arts
  • Diane McCormick, freelance writer for TheBurg
  • Sammi Leigh Melville, TheBurg’s resident film writer
  • Rod Mortel, High Hopes for Haiti
  • Melissa Nicholson of Gamut Theatre
  • Steph Perez, Harrisburg artist
  • Ian Potter, muralist and Harrisburg native
  • Peter Sirotin of the Harrisburg Symphony and Market Square Concerts
  • Crystal Skotedis, Harrisburg resident, principal with Boyer & Ritter LLC
  • Todd Vander Woude, executive director of the Harrisburg Downtown Improvement District 
  • Andrew Williams, music teacher, Reach Cyber Charter School


TheBurg Podcast introduces you to some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, through their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine–because there’s always “more to the story.” TheBurg Podcast is released monthly on the second Friday of every month. It is hosted and produced by Karen Hendricks, an award-winning journalist and PR professional. Visit her website here. 


TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.


To sponsor a future episode of TheBurg Podcast, contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_-_Hidden_Gems_of_HBG_Feb_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:56am EDT

Every month, we expand three stories from the pages of TheBurg magazine because “there’s always more to the story.” On the February podcast:  

Dr. Kimeka Campbell reflects on her one-year anniversary as host of Harrisburg Black Newsbeat. We also learn more about her background, as well as her work with Young Professionals of Color-Greater Harrisburg.


Sue Kunisky, Vice President of Operations at Visit Hershey & Harrisburg, explores the Black Travel Experience—the organization’s latest trail experience which markets Harrisburg’s Black-owned businesses, Black cultural and historical landmarks, and more.


We also go beyond the surface of artist Wendy Allen’s nearly 40-year career of painting Abraham Lincoln, from her Gettysburg gallery Lincoln into Art. She explains why she strives to keep Lincoln’s legacy alive and relevant through each painting.


If there was ever a historical figure who stood up for minorities and equality for all, it was Abraham Lincoln.


All of the podcast’s stories give voice to people or causes representing minorities, which statistics reveal, actually comprise majorities. For example, Harrisburg has a Black-majority (52%) population. Women own 31% of the state’s businesses, yet comprise 51% of Pennsylvania’s population.


TheBurg Podcast is hosted and produced by longtime Harrisburg-area journalist Karen Hendricks. Visit her website here. 


Backstories: This episode is based upon the following February magazine stories:

In the Spotlight | Getting the Word Out | Her Life’s Work


DYK? TheBurg Podcast received two prestigious awards in 2021: First place, Excellence in Journalism, Society of Professional Journalists, Keystone Chapter; and Honorable mention, Keystone Media Award, Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation.


TheBurg Podcast is welcoming sponsors and/or advertisers: Contact Lauren ( TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, Pa.; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.

Direct download: TheBurg_Podcast_Feb_2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm EDT