Magazine-style news podcast that introduces you to the most fascinating people in Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania. Hear their authentic stories, straight from every month’s issue of TheBurg—with a different twist—on TheBurg Podcast. Because there’s always “more to the story.” Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine devoted to PA news, business, art, culture, music, food, health, sports and more; Lawrance Binda, editor.

TheBurg’s June 2020 podcast focuses on innovation!


First, innovative strategies are helping to feed the hungry—and capitalizing on the timing of the summer produce season—at the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Joe Arthur, executive director, provides details. (Based on the magazine story, “Hunger Pains.”)


Secondly, we hear from Sheila Dow-Ford, executive director of Impact Harrisburg. Their innovative grant program swung into action in record time, to help city businesses lessen the pandemic’s impact—with a significant portion going to minority-owned businesses. (Based upon the magazine’s “News Digest.”)


Editor of TheBurg Lawrance Binda reflects on the links between tension and change, city and state, in his reoccurring TMHT feature (“the most Harrisburg thing”).


Finally, we switch gears, to innovation with a “fun factor.” Straight from the front cover of TheBurg’s June issue, we bring you an exclusive interview with Harrisburg’s newest celeb, “Sharkman” himself. (Here’s our digital June issue.)


Meet some of the Harrisburg area’s most fascinating people, and hear their own authentic stories, expanded from every month’s magazine, on TheBurg Podcast—because there’s always “more to the story.”


Hosted by Karen Hendricks. TheBurg is a monthly community magazine based in Harrisburg, PA; Lawrance Binda, co-publisher/editor.


Interested in sponsoring TheBurg Podcast? Contact Lauren (


Karen Hendricks is a lifelong journalist; visit her website:



June Issue:



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